31 December 2020

89. Wild Willies

We have a high walled courtyard off the main bathroom. 

When my children were preschoolers, they planted a branch of cypress there.

Surprisingly, a pine tree grew. It must have come up from a seed on the stick. 

The kids thought themselves master gardeners, especially when a pair of Willie Wagtails built a nest in that pine. 

26 December 2020

88. Happy Christmas from the Angel on the Tree Top

Christmas Day was yesterday. I didn’t imagine it, but birds seemed to be in on the human celebrations, tweeting from 5 am to 7 pm. Especially the Cockies who are kind of cocky at the best of times.

16 December 2020

87: Scarlet (Hay) Fever


You rarely see something so enchanting it seems like an illusion, but that’s what happened last spring.

30 October 2020

86. Peacock Practice

My Peacock Pops has full breeding plumage.

20 October 2020

85. Blue-billed Duck Making a Splash

The absolute need to replace ourselves is scratched deep into the DNA of every living creature. But few birds have such an awesome courtship display as the Blue-billed Duck.

14 October 2020

84. The Swallow Sagas - Part 1

Welcome Swallows are the most prolific and resilient birds I know. A flock of them breed permanently at my farm house, getting through to the eaves. 

09 October 2020

83. Babysitting a Finch

I heard a plaintive cry outside the lounge room. It usually means the finches are in danger; that either a goanna or a snake threatened. 

08 October 2020

82. Feathering the Nest

In spring
birds fly two by two
dancing on branches
bobbing and bowing
nest building
finding feathers
for beds
for eggs
to nestle nestlings
the babes to be
and chicks

04 October 2020

81. Naked Birdwatching

I’ve never watched the birds unclothed before. I was so focused on a young Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo out my bathroom window, I didn’t even grab a towel.

16 September 2020

79. Dusky Snuggles

A Bee Bird, a Woodswallow, a Skimmer, a Bluey, a Jackie Martin and even a Sordid Woodswallow are all names given to one of my fave birds - the Dusky Woodswallow.