Showing posts with label Grey Shrike-thrush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grey Shrike-thrush. Show all posts

21 June 2020

74. Chick Number 3

Life is tenuous. All life, but particularly wildlife, and bird life too.
On the morning I went to check if the last Grey Shrike Thrush had left the nest, I almost killed it.

15 May 2020

71. Chick Number 2

The second Grey Shrike-thrush to hatch was the piggy in the middle. Not the largest, it emerged from the egg the day after the first. An expert at craning her neck over the top of the smallest chick, it was fed twice as much, doing whatever it could to ensure it would survive.

01 April 2020

65. Nest in a Toolbox: Part 2

In my previous post, I said we were in for hard times, for sorrow and sad times. This week I lost my mother, the dearest woman in the world to me.

25 March 2020

64. Nest in a Toolbox

“Life is always a rich and steady time while you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.” Charlotte’s Web E.B White

This is not a steady time but one of rapid and radical change. 
Even so, I can’t wait for hatch-day.  

It won’t be long, nearly time now.