Showing posts with label Poppy Peahen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poppy Peahen. Show all posts

30 October 2020

86. Peacock Practice

My Peacock Pops has full breeding plumage.

12 September 2020

78. Our Peacock's Tail?

To attract a peahen, a peacock raises his train into a wide fan shape, then shimmies and shakes, enclosing her in a glorious cave of long feathers.

15 October 2019

49. Peacock Blues: Part 1

Poppy is a peahen that flew in one winter morning and decided to stay. The old girl follows me around the yard every day. She believes I produce food at will; I believe she’s lonely.

17 April 2019


In 2015, Poppy our Peahen ran away. We didn’t see her for a month. They were weeks of worrying I’d spooked her off. It was because she’d sat on the back door mat making squidgy do-do and I ended up sitting in it.